• DEWDICE is the holding company.
  • DEWDICE has been established with the purpose of supporting digitalization of the financial sector especially the insurance industry.
  • Reinzure.com is one of the products of DEWDICE.
  • Reinzure.com is a product of “DEWDICE”.
  • Reinzure.com has been developed to provide B2B digital insurance solutions.
  • Reinzure.com is an online cloud-based platform that will help in new business generation, business placements, risk mitigation, avoiding gaps in covers, placement slip comparisons, claim intimations, accounting reconciliation and much more.
  • Reinzure.com helps in managing your KPIs with live dash boards & management reports.
  • Reinzure.com is the solution for improving your productivity and reducing IT costs.
  • We call Reinzure.com a disruptive technology in the Insurance industry.
  • B2B is business-to-business Insurance solutions.
  • Reinzure.com takes care of your business-to-business insurance requirements.
  • One of the primary functions of Reinzure.com is to address the legacy issues in the B2B insurance sector and eliminate the pain points.
  • No.
  • In addition to reinsurance business, Reinzure.com can be used for :
    • Direct Broker Placements.
    • Coinsurance.
    • Global Programs.
  • Reinsurance (directly and thru reinsurance brokers).
  • Coinsurance (directly and through direct brokers).
  • Direct Broker Placements.
  • Global Programs.
  • Insurers.
  • Reinsurers.
  • Reinsurance Brokers.
  • Direct Brokers.
  • MGUs, MGAs, Captives etc.
  • This is because Reinzure.com facilitates Insurers, Reinsurers, Reinsurance Brokers, Direct Brokers, MGUs, MGAs, Captives etc. to come under one place and directly do business.
  • The concept used by us is “All Under One Roof”.
  • Yes
  • Reinzure.com follows one of the highest data security and privacy policies.
  • Reinzure.com uses State of Art Technology for its platform.
  • Yes.
  • Reinzure.com follows one of the highest data security and privacy policies.
  • Reinzure.com uses State of Art Technology for its platform.
  • Data entry is minimum for the user.
  • Reinzure.com is an end-to-end workflow system.
  • KPIs can be monitored real-time to strengthen / improve your company’s performance.
  • Reinzure.com is a full-fledged workflow system which if effectively used can improve your productivity by more than 50%* (*as per our internal analysis).
  • Reinzure.com facilitates :
    • Developing new business
    • New Placements
    • Strengthening Underwriting Process and Controls
    • Efficient end to end workflow system
    • KPI monitoring
    • Financial Reconciliation.
    • Claim Intimation & much more.
  • Yes.
  • One of the main goals of Reinzure.com is to help you expand to new areas & territories in addition to strengthening your existing areas & territories.
  • Sitting in the comfort of your office, let the placement slips reach you and as per your business appetite.
  • The concept used by us is “Let us search and bring business for you”.
  • Freedom to use your own Placement Slips.
  • Placements Slips can be floated easily and confirmed through our market place.
  • Reinzure.com helps to reduce the lead time.
  • Reinzure.com helps to cut many pain points and one of the fundamental areas it helps is to eliminate gaps in covers in the negotiated slips.
  • Slips can be compared and any gaps can be easily identified before taking the final decision.
  • One of the concepts used by us is “Address the legacy issues in the insurance industry and eliminate the pain points”.
  • Yes.
  • Reinzure.com is an end-to-end workflow system.
  • Reinzure.com addresses many legacy issues in the B2B insurance workflow process and tries to eliminate the pain points.
  • Digital solutions.
  • Market place.
  • Faster turnaround time.
  • Compare quotes and eliminate gaps in covers.
  • End-to-end workflow system with live dashboards.
  • Yes.
  • Companies and users can set their own business preference or appetite and only those business will be directed to them for better efficiency.
  • No.
  • Reinzure.com does not involve in the actual premium transactions. It is directly done by the contracted parties.
  • Reinzure.com only facilitates business without involving in the actual premium transactions.
  • Of course, Reinzure.com can be used for the reconciliation of the outstanding or paid transactions.
  • The concept used by us is “We facilitate the business but let the parties do the financial transactions themselves.”
  • Yes.
  • Realtime Reconciliation Statements are available in Reinzure.com.
  • Yes
  • Not only for claim intimations but also for the claim reserve & payment trails.
  • Yes.
  • Customisedlive dashboards and KPI reports are available.
  • If you would like to customise any other reports or dashboards, please do contact us.
  • Yes.
  • Reinzure.com is a cost-effective digital insurance solution.
  • The subscription fees that you pay will be much lower than say the annual maintenance fees of a near similar system** (**near similar system but with lesser benefits and no universal connection compared to Reinzure.com).
  • Please contact Reinzure.com to find out about our latest promotions.
  • Yes.
  • There will be a master “Admin” user and the “Admin” will be able to manage your company platform including adding or deleting users.
  • Reinzure.com allows user-wise business settings like your business appetite, territorial preference etc.
  • Please use the “Join Now” option in our website “Reinzure.com” for us to revert.
  • There is a due diligence process to be followed. This is to ensure that only genuine companies are registered in our platform.
  • Once verified, we will register your company creating a “master admin” in your office. Your admin can then register your other users in the company and manage your company platform.
  • Each user will be able to set their own preferences / appetite in the platform and can have their own dashboards and reports.